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Outcome of Olympics diplomacy

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작성자 곽중철 쪽지보내기 메일보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색 전체게시물 작성일23-11-15 12:17 조회11,491회 댓글4건



The following is an article written by Tong (Donghyun) Kim, interpreter to a few US presidents in the 1990s.

Outcome of Olympics diplomacy

Posted: 2018-02-25 18:36 Updated: 2018-02-25 20:26

By Tong Kim


As the PyeongChang Winter Olympics closed Sunday, Olympics diplomacy ended without finding a possible solution to the North Korean nuclear issue.

Yet, Olympics diplomacy has remarkably earned an improved inter-Korean relationship through dialogue and interactions on the highest level of both sides with full endorsement of the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

Without cooperation from Washington and Pyongyang, PyeongChang would not have been a success. Although a scheduled meeting between U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Kim Yo-jong, the sister of the North Korean leader, was aborted at the last minute, tensions calmed down during the Olympics. Joint Korea-U.S. military drills were suspended, and no missile or nuclear test was conducted.

If there was a propaganda war, it involved two mutual adversaries _ North Korea and the United States. And the winner appeared to be North Korea, which sent Kim Yo-jong, along with North Korea's nominal head of state Kim Yong-nam to attend the opening of the Olympics and to invite President Moon Jae-in to Pyongyang.

Pence intentionally ignored the North Korean representatives at a reception and the opening ceremony, sitting stone faced next to the South Korean president during the entry of a unified South and North Korean team. While the North Korean arts troupe and its cheering squad were waging an effective charm offensive, the vice present tried hard to prevent "Pyongyang's hijacking of the Olympics," calling the regime "tyrannical" and "a prison state."

Pence warned the toughest and most aggressive sanctions are yet to be imposed against the North. To underscore the North's abuses of human rights, he met with North Korean defectors and invited to PyeongChang the parents of Otto Warmbier, an American student who died a week after his release from North Korea. To capture on the threatening nature of North Korean provocation, he visited the wreckage of a South Korean naval vessel that was said to be destroyed by a North Korean torpedo.

Watching Pence's harsh rhetoric, on top of his total disregard for their presence at the opening events, the North Koreans pulled out from the scheduled meeting with him. They must have correctly determined that there was nothing new to hear from him, other than a heavy-handed demand for denuclearization and a maximum pressure campaign backed up by military action to that end.

Kim Yong-chol, a vice chairman of the ruling Workers' Party's Central Committee and director of the United Front that deals with South Koreans affairs, headed the delegation to attend the Olympics' closing ceremony. He is a hard-liner and a controversial figure, who is suspected as the mastermind behind the sinking of the Cheonan navy vessel. U.S. President Donald Trump sent his daughter Ivanka to PyeongChang.

To sum up the impact of Olympic diplomacy, there is no change in the Trump administration's policy on North Korea. Nor any change in Pyongyang's position _ that is to continue finishing an operational nuclear missile capability to strike the U.S. homeland. However, thanks to Seoul's hard work and its own calculations, the North had accepted a meeting with the U.S., albeit cancelled.

President Moon cautioned a summit with the North can only take place when the right conditions are met. The conditions include Washington's endorsement. The White House, whose goal is to denuclearize the North, not to seek collapse or regime change in the North, has said any improvement in South-North relations must move along with the process of denuclearization.

If inter-Korean relations continue to improve, it might be easier to persuade Pyongyang than Washington to soften on its position and to seek serious "exploratory talks" with Washington. Pyongyang says they now have "everything we need" for deterrence. The world recognizes that the North has a formidable nuclear capability.

As a minimum, Pyongyang can release three American detainees, which should be easy and at no cost to the regime. Then it can extend their pause from additional tests, to maintain an atmosphere for engagement to stop the threats of war.

Moon is walking on a fine line between Pyongyang and Washington, regarding the alliance between war and peace.

Tong Kim (tong.kim8@yahoo.com) is a Washington correspondent and columnist for The Korea Times. He is also a fellow at the Institute of Korean-American Studies.



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그는 미 로널드 레이건 대통령부터 아버지 부시 대통령, 빌 클린턴 대통령, 그리고 현재 조지 W 부시 대통령까지 미국 대통령 네 명의 한국어 통역을 했다. 한국 쪽으로 보면 전두환.노태우.김영삼.김대중, 그리고 노무현 대통령까지 다섯 명째다.
엄밀히 따지면 그는 한국인은 아니다. 미국 국적을 취득했기 때문이다. 하지만 미국으로 건너오기 전까지 37년간을 한국에서 살았던 그는 국적과 상관없이 생각과 행동 모두가 온전한 한국인이다.
통 김은 '지난 20여년간 한국과 미국의 정상들이 만났을 때 언론에 보도된 것 이외에 도대체 어떤 얘기가 오갔을까'하는 궁금증에 대해 완벽한 해답을 갖고 있는 거의 유일한 인물이다. 그를 통하지 않고 양국 정상들은 의사 소통이 불가능했기 때문이다. 통 김은 이달 말로 현역에서 은퇴한다. 오십대로 보이는 외모와 달리 그는 70세다.
통 김과의 인터뷰는 18일 낮 북버지니아 애넌데일의 자택에서 4시간 동안 이뤄졌다. 그는 "아직은 밝힐 수 없는 많은 얘기가 있다"는 전제하에 어렵사리 입을 열었다. 다음은 통 김과의 인터뷰 내용을 본인 서술식으로 정리한 것이다.

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안녕하세요 교수님.
이번에 최종합격한 외대 통대 한영과 신입생입니다. 내년 3월에 입학할 예정입니다.
다름이아니오라 제가 완전 쌩국내파인데디(초중고대 다 한국에서 졸업, 어학연수나 유학경험 전무, 외고나 국제고 아닌 일반고 졸업, 학부전공도 영어관련 아닌 상경계열, 재학 중 합격이라 관련 업무 경험도 없음) 너무 운이 좋게도 합격한것 같은데요,
아무래도 말하는 어투가 원어민이나 해외파 친구들처럼 자연스런 구어체가 아니라 문어체에 가깝습니다..
좀 쉬우면서도 자연스레 말하는 습관을 키우고 싶은데
어떻게 해야 할까요 ㅠㅠ
학원수업에서는 통대입시 위주다보니 이런 영어를 배울 기회가 적었습니다.
입학전까지 구술력을 키우고 싶은데 어떤 방법이 가장 좋을지
조언 부탁드립니다..!

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